"Just be, and enjoy being" - Eckhart Tolle

Mariah Jacques


RYT 200

Mariah found yoga in 2012 - she immediately fell in love and has since dedicated herself wholly to the practice. She is passionate about the benefits yoga provides and aims to inspire others to practice by living a holistic and virtuous lifestyle. She thrives on overcoming challenges and finding gratitude, appreciation and purpose in all things. Her favorite poses are those that encourage the practitioner to find comfort in discomfort, learning to relax through difficult situations - poses like Camel and Broken Toe. Mariah earned her first RYT200 in 2015 and quickly followed it with a second 200 hour training in 2017 with Libby Cox. She has found a beautiful way of life through exploring her vinyasa-style teaching and personal yoga practice & looks forward to seeing you on the mat!

